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News for: 30 may 2022 in category:  

Vcheni have revealed products, yak

Not all products are safe for the liver. Spanish doctors conducted a series of investigations and established that not all products, as we live, are safe for our liver. Deyakі from them provokuyut igniter processes at that organ. For their sake, taking t...
Health 30 May 2022, 22:35 (

Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies
Papillomas are benign formations that can be localized on any part of the skin and mucous membranes.. For their removal, various means and method...
Health 30 May 2022, 21:27 (
Are you healthy: how to find out the diagnosis by hand Are you healthy: how to find out the diagnosis by hand
Hands are a mirror reflection of the state of our body.. No wonder the French compare them to flowers that fade over time.. Nails. Should be smo...
Health 30 May 2022, 21:19 (
Choosing the antiperspirant that s right for you Choosing the antiperspirant that's right for you
Summer is the time of deodorants and antiperspirants, which we often use haphazardly, without having the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow they d...
Health 30 May 2022, 18:18 (
Papillomas on the tongue Papillomas on the tongue
Papillomas in the tongue are benign neoplasms that arise from epithelial cells mainly under the influence of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Mos...
Health 30 May 2022, 01:32 (
Scientists: type 2 diabetes causes accelerated brain aging Scientists: type 2 diabetes causes accelerated brain aging
A group of American scientists experimentally found that the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus accelerates brain aging by almost 26%.. The re...
Health 30 May 2022, 08:22 (
Scientists from Switzerland have reported a method that significantly reduces the risk of cancer Scientists from Switzerland have reported a method that significantly reduces the risk of cancer
The results of a scientific study have been published on the pages of the scientific publication Frontiers in Aging, which reports on a certain s...
Health 30 May 2022, 11:37 (
Facebook building: training for facial muscles Facebook building: training for facial muscles
Facebook building - literally " What is it for? The main goal of Facebook building is as old as the world - to preserve beauty for as long as po...
Health 30 May 2022, 11:54 (
The main products for drying the body The main products for drying the body
Hard training and proper nutrition are not everything in order to get the body of your dreams.. The secret is that " Drying muscles is a rather ...
Health 30 May 2022, 11:50 (
How to wash your hair without shampoo: 5 ways How to wash your hair without shampoo: 5 ways
Many popular shampoos are very harmful to our hair, as they contain a lot of chemicals.. The shampoo contains a lot of carcinogens, according to ...
Health 30 May 2022, 13:00 (
Higher education: worse vision Higher education: worse vision
Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common visual impairment that affects 42% of US residents, according to Pannochka, an online publication for gir...
Health 30 May 2022, 14:32 (
Vcheni called the reasons for walking barefoot at home Vcheni called the reasons for walking barefoot at home
Why do you walk around at home without a jolt. Today, a person called to go to the house, for a wine, for example, a beach repair or a rebuy at ...
Health 30 May 2022, 15:41 (
Through suvory control of eating children, shkidlivy zvichki can appear in the future Through suvory control of eating children, shkidlivy zvichki can appear in the future
Doctors are not happy to impose the principles of proper eating on children. Like a preschooler often throws out a plate with insults, or else h...
Health 30 May 2022, 16:05 (
The experts called the signs of infection with monkeypox The experts called the signs of infection with monkeypox
The spread of monkeypox in some regions of our planet has caused serious concern among specialists.. Signs of a possible infection with this path...
Health 30 May 2022, 17:16 (
Ringing in the ears: drink coffee Ringing in the ears: drink coffee
It was previously thought that caffeine consumption increased tinnitus, but recently scientists have proven the exact opposite, according to Pann...
Health 30 May 2022, 00:12 (
Brisk walking is good for Parkinson s disease Brisk walking is good for Parkinson's disease
A study published today in the journal Neurology suggests that moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, may improve symptoms of Parkinson's dise...
Health 30 May 2022, 01:00 (
Does vaccination protect against long-term COVID-19, scientists have found Does vaccination protect against long-term COVID-19, scientists have found
People who have had a coronavirus infection for a long period may experience the negative effects of this virus. Developed vaccines, according to...
Health 30 May 2022, 00:55 (
9 Strawberry Facts You Should Know 9 Strawberry Facts You Should Know
One of the most delicious and healthy berries of summer appeared on store shelves - strawberries. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT STRAWBERRY - There are ...
Health 30 May 2022, 00:52 (