Facebook building: training for facial muscles

30 May 2022, 11:54 | Health
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Facebook building - literally " What is it for?

The main goal of Facebook building is as old as the world - to preserve beauty for as long as possible, and slow down the aging process.. The fact is that the muscles of the face support the skin, and how we look largely depends on their condition..

Facial muscles, like everything else on our planet, are constantly exposed to gravity.. Unlike the muscles of the abdomen, back, arms and legs, the muscles of the face do not receive so much work, so their tone begins to decline at a fairly young age.. With the help of facebuilding, you can not only strengthen the muscles of the face, but also stimulate the production of collagen..

Of course, this technique will not give you eternal youth, but with its help you can look young and beautiful longer.. Facebook building also cannot reduce the nose or make the lips more voluminous (as some adherents of this direction assure) - it only affects the muscles; it must be understood that significant transformations of the face without surgical intervention are impossible - at least at this stage in the development of science.

How to make facebuilding classes effective?

Probably, every day, thousands of women start doing Facebook building and no less women quit this activity because they don’t see results.. In order for facial muscle training to be effective, you need to overcome the conditional threshold, up to which the exercises will be practically useless.. The fact that you have passed this threshold is indicated by a slight burning or tingling in the muscles after a workout..

In other words, doing facebuilding, you need to achieve muscle fatigue, just like during regular workouts in the gym.. These sensations result from the accumulation of lactic acid in the tissues, the intense production of which indicates that you have worked the muscles enough for them to begin to grow and become stronger.. Facial massage after a face-building session will help to quickly get rid of discomfort in the muscles.

Nutrition also plays a big role in the effectiveness of training.. People who are engaged in bodybuilding, after training, eat food rich in protein - thanks to this, muscle tissue is restored and grows.. It is also recommended to complete bodybuilding classes with protein dishes, although, of course, proteins in this case require much less than any bodybuilder.

Wash your hands thoroughly before each face-building session.. When performing some exercises, you need to touch your face with your hands, but transferring various bacteria to it is completely useless.

Try to exercise for at least half an hour three to four times a week. Do it regularly and conscientiously - only in this case, Facebook building will give good results..

Facebook building exercises.

Forehead exercises.

Place your index fingers on your eyebrows and gently pull the skin down. Try to raise your eyebrows against the resistance created by the weight of your fingers.. Lower your eyebrows after a few seconds. Repeat the exercise twenty times in a row.

Press your fingers against the skin on the sides of your forehead, and pull the skin tight. Raise and lower your eyebrows fifteen to twenty times in a row.

Place your fingers on your eyebrows, and gently stretch the skin towards your temples while trying to move your eyebrows..

Exercises for the muscles in the eye area.

Open your eyes as wide as possible (make sure that your forehead does not wrinkle) and keep them wide open for at least five seconds. Close your eyes and relax your facial muscles for a couple of minutes.. Do the exercise ten to fifteen times in a row.

Press the pads of your index fingers against the skin at the outer corners of your eyes.. Close and open your eyes slowly twenty times in a row.

Press your fingers into the skin just below your brows, and lower your brows against the resistance.. Count to five and raise your eyebrows. Repeat the exercise fifteen to twenty times in a row. This exercise is especially useful for loose skin above the eyes..

Exercise for nasolabial folds.

Open your mouth as wide as possible so that you can feel the skin around your mouth tighten.. Without closing your mouth, tilt your head back so that your eyes look straight at the ceiling.. Count to twenty while holding this position. If the exercise is performed correctly, you will feel a strong tension in the area of \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bthe nasolabial folds - this means that the muscles of the face are working quite intensively..

Cheek exercises.

Press your fingers firmly against your cheeks. Smile against resistance and hold muscle tension for two to three seconds. Relax your facial muscles, then repeat the exercise twenty more times..

Press your fingers in the middle of your cheeks, approximately at the level of the tip of your nose.. Smile so that you feel like you are lifting your fingers with your facial muscles.. Hold the tension for a few seconds, then relax for a couple of seconds.. Perform the exercise at least fifteen times in a row.

Take a breath of air and puff out your cheeks. Move the air alternately behind the left cheek, behind the right, behind the skin under the lower and under the upper lip.

This exercise prevents sagging of the skin of the cheeks, and you can perform it anywhere - for example, when you read mail or stand in traffic.

Chin exercise.

Tilt your head back so that your chin is pointing straight up towards the ceiling.. Push the lower jaw as far forward as possible - you should feel tension under the chin. While holding this position, slowly lower your chin a few centimeters, and then also slowly raise it.. Repeat the exercise twenty times in a row.

lady. siteua. org.

Based on materials: lady.siteua.org

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