How to wash your hair without shampoo: 5 ways

30 May 2022, 13:00 | Health
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Many popular shampoos are very harmful to our hair, as they contain a lot of chemicals.. The shampoo contains a lot of carcinogens, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net For example, the most common is Sodium Laureth Sulfate or SLES, which is responsible for the abundance of foam, causes scalp irritation, and is also part of many home cleaning products.. In combination with certain substances, it can harm the functioning of internal organs..

It is also worth noting that the higher the ingredient on the list, the greater its amount in the product, so it is worth knowing ways to help wash your hair without shampoo..

How to wash your hair without shampoo 1. Rye flour.

Wash your hair without shampoo will help rye flour, poured? cups of boiling water. Stir the composition until a liquid slurry is formed. Beat with a whisk for several minutes, apply to hair and rub all over the head. Then rinse thoroughly with running water.

dry herbs.

Take 2 tbsp. shikakai bean powder, pour a glass of hot water in a deep bowl. Rinse your hair with this mixture.. Then refill the bowl with water and rinse your hair.. Wait another 10-15 minutes and rinse your hair completely. Amla powder is also suitable for this recipe..


Baking soda will also help you wash your hair without shampoo.. 2 st. dilute soda in 4 liters of water. Long hair needs more baking soda. Rinse your hair with the resulting solution..

Soap nuts.

Boil 500 ml of water, put a handful of soap nuts in a cotton bag and place in the water. Mash the bag in water and leave to boil for 15 minutes.

After that, place the entire solution in a blender and beat until foamy.. Apply to wet hair and rinse as usual.


Mustard will help you wash your hair without shampoo. To do this, dilute 0.5 tbsp.. mustard in 1 liter. warm water, apply the product to the hair and rinse them. Avoid contact with the face. This method is suitable for oily hair.

These folk remedies will help you heal your hair, give it shine and density and will be a great alternative to shampoos..

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