Scientists: type 2 diabetes causes accelerated brain aging

30 May 2022, 08:22 | Health
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A group of American scientists experimentally found that the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus accelerates brain aging by almost 26%..

The results of a study by scientists from the State University of New York are published on the pages of the publication MedicalXpress, which reports the development of irreversible brain damage in people with type 2 diabetes.. Moreover, these changes begin their development long before the official diagnosis is made..

In their study, scientists analyzed data on the functioning and structure of the brain of about 20,000 people, whose age was 50-80 years.. They then compared scanned and measured brain function data from healthy people versus people with diabetes..

“The study found changes in the functioning of working memory, learning, flexibility of thinking and speed of information processing.. These data turned out to be similar to those characteristic of the aging brain, ”the study says..

The presence of diabetes has contributed to the acceleration of brain aging by almost 26%, according to researchers.. Scientists do not exclude that a violation of the availability of energy could lead to changes in the structure and functioning of the brain..

These changes, according to scientists, are caused by an accelerated decrease in the volume of gray matter (in the ventral striatum) against the background of developing diabetes..

In connection with the data obtained, experts draw their attention to the importance of timely medical examinations.. Doctor visits are especially important for people with prediabetes and diabetes.. Timely action can help prevent the development of neurodegenerative changes and keep brain function in a healthier state..

medical-heal. en.

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