Scientists from Switzerland have reported a method that significantly reduces the risk of cancer

30 May 2022, 11:37 | Health
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The results of a scientific study have been published on the pages of the scientific publication Frontiers in Aging, which reports on a certain set of measures that can significantly reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, according to the online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net Scientific work was carried out simultaneously on the territory of five European countries. For this unusual study, volunteers were invited to follow a special moderate home exercise program in combination with a special drug containing increased doses of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.. In total, about 2,000 volunteers took part in the scientific experiment..

At the end of the three-year study, scientists compared the health data of the participants in the experiment and the control group.. It turned out that participants who exercised according to a special program and took supplements were much less likely to develop cancer compared to people who led a normal lifestyle.. The difference in this case was more than 50%..

According to some studies, a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body can affect the functioning of some genes responsible for tissue growth through cell division.. Thanks to this mechanism, according to researchers, there is a decrease in the risk of developing many forms of oncology.. However, there are other research results that refute the effectiveness of this vitamin to influence the reproduction of cancer cells..

As for omega-3, various studies have shown varying degrees of positive effects of this vitamin in preventing the development of cancer, as well as reducing the risk of death..

Exercise, according to experts, not only improves the functioning of the immune system, but also suppresses inflammation in the body, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.. Scientists report proven scientific evidence showing a reduced chance of developing cancer in people who exercise.

“The combination of all three methods of cancer prevention showed that taking 2,000 units of vitamin D3 daily, one gram of omega-3, combined with moderate exercise (exercise three times a week) was able to reduce the risk of cancer by 61%. At the same time, in groups of participants who took only vitamin D3, the risk was only 24% lower.; only omega-3 - by 30%; those who exercised but did not take supplements - by 26%. The combination of two types of therapy was able to reduce the risk of a dangerous disease by almost 50%,” said Professor Heike Bischoff-Ferrari from the University of Zurich..

medical-heal. en.

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