Vcheni called the reasons for walking barefoot at home

30 May 2022, 15:41 | Health
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Why do you walk around at home without a jolt.

Today, a person called to go to the house, for a wine, for example, a beach repair or a rebuy at the dacha, how to make a green lawn.... І a lot of ten years the reason for which was not only special advances, looking out of comfort, but also fear of microbes. But this year’s weddings are easier to ask - if you want to regularly go to the booth if you want to have the least reasonable cleaning, then people with non-shocked soles should be afraid of nothing in this plan, Ukr informs. media.

However, those vcheni still guard against going to the booth barefoot. І reasons for which are called new, primed and seriously serious.

The first reason It’s not enough to talk about flat feet in connection with the wrong choice of the mind, but few people think about those that the musculoskeletal apparatus of a modern person begins to become above the world, shkidly navantazhennya on his feet in two years walking without a sound. In addition, there is a growing pressure on the ridge. And if I threaten them as if they were damaged by self-perception, increased physical inclusion, so put them on curvature and bring them to damage in the functioning of the other internal organs.

Another reason is that only the beds of relief for luxurious kilims, or the systems for heating up the logs, then in the summer the temperature of the laminate, the tiles for the logs, or the linoleum, are too rich for the one that is pleasantly accepted by the human body. It’s unfathomable by the looks of the eye, but the offal of a person is taken away by hypothermia. What leads to ailment of the pelvic organs, provoking ignition processes in the sebaceous system. Women are especially sensitive to such a negative infusion, especially women who have recently given birth to a baby.

The third reason Most of the current coverage for the logic is prepared from materials that can be used to accumulate static electricity. I human feet with their rough skin, no matter how marvelous, to the most friendly.

In this way, electricity is detrimentally pouring into the whole organism, which leads to a whole “bouquet” of problems, including:.



disease of the cardiovascular system;

damage to the nervous system.

And it’s more confusing, that when you’re sent to the doctor, you often start to shove and cause problems, why it’s always good, only not in such a safe area, like a pidlog in a bungalow.

aspect. net.

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