The experts called the signs of infection with monkeypox

30 May 2022, 17:16 | Health
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The spread of monkeypox in some regions of our planet has caused serious concern among specialists.. Signs of a possible infection with this pathogen are reported by EatThis, NotThat!

What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus, which is genetically close to the variola virus.. Health experts are investigating several clusters of monkeypox in the United States that were reported this month.

Signs of monkeypox infection.

According to the CDC, the main symptoms of this disease include the following:.



o Pain in the muscles.

¦ Back pain.

¦Swollen lymph nodes.

¦ Chills.


One to three days after the onset of a fever, an infected person develops a rash that often begins on the face and then spreads throughout the body. The illness can last from two to four weeks.. Delayed treatment measures can lead to an unfavorable outcome of the disease..

How infection occurs.

Monkeypox is spread by contact with a person or animal infected with the virus, or objects contaminated with it.. The virus can enter the body through broken skin, respiratory tract, or mucous membranes such as the eyes, nose, or mouth..

“Person-to-person transmission is believed to occur mainly through large respiratory droplets,” experts say.. That is, infection can occur with prolonged close contact of a sick person with a healthy person (face to face).

Is there a vaccine?

Current smallpox vaccine could also protect against monkeypox by 85%, CDC says. There is also a specific monkeypox vaccine..

“This is not a new virus for us.. We have known about this virus for decades,” Ashish Jha, White House coronavirus response coordinator, told ABC News.. – This is a virus that we understand. We have vaccines for it.. We have treatments for it... It's not as contagious as COVID. So I'm sure we can keep it under control.”.

Also Tom Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Medical Security, told the Washington Post that the risk to the general public from monkeypox is quite low..

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