The state of telecommunications infrastructure in Ukraine during the war

17 May 2024, 13:31 | Technologies
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Over the past two years, the Ukrainian telecommunications channel has become the target of numerous clicks through active Russia, which directly attacks our infrastructure and causes harm to mobile operators. Behind the words of the Golovi of the Minіei Transformation Mikhail Fedorov PID Hour of the presentation of the strategist Electron-2030, the village at Denmark is 25% of the fіksovani more than 4 Tysyach Mobilny Zv'yazka.

Fedorov also emphasizes that participants in the telecommunications market are steadily engaged in updating and ensuring the stability of the work infrastructure. This will bring great results. In other words, today 98% of the population has access to a mobile phone connection, and 89% can access a fixed phone number.

" Close to 2,000 damaged base stations have already been updated,” Fedorov said..

The Electronic Communications Strategy 2030, as presented by the Ministry of Digital Development, is aimed at developing the telecommunication industry in Ukraine and ensuring stability in the minds of war and cyber attacks..

Fedorov emphasized that the meta strategy is aimed at ensuring the population’s access to current telecommunications services and advanced Internet connections.

Ukraine continues to make efforts to upgrade and develop its telecommunications infrastructure, regardless of war and cyber attacks.. The focus of market participants is on ensuring the stability and reliability of telecommunications networks in order to ensure connections for the entire population of Ukraine.

e-news. com. ua.

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