The programmer allowed Twitch viewers to dispose of his $ 50,000 on the exchange

01 June 2017, 11:41 | Technologies
photo InternetUA
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The series of streams Twitch Plays allows viewers of a certain stream to collectively play the game with the help of commands in the chat. But sometimes these games play an unexpected turn. So, the American programmer launched StockStream, where the audience can vote for the purchase / sale of certain stocks on the exchange. At their disposal is $ 50,000.

The system automatically calculates the votes "for" in the chat, and after a five-minute round performs the most popular operation. For example, "! Buy AMD "is transformed into the purchase of AMD shares.

At certain points, the author of the broadcast Mike went into negative. Sometimes spectators helped to earn him an additional $ 66. The last session on Twitch closed for Mike with a total of $ 50,060. He does not intend to interfere in the game of spectators and wants to broadcast until the moment the account runs out of money.

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