A symptom has been identified that warns of incomplete lung recovery after COVID-19

14 June 2022, 01:03 | Health
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Often people who have had a coronavirus infection experience such a phenomenon as shortness of breath for a long period.. Shortness of breath can occur even during the most light physical activity.. A group of scientists from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London conducted a study in this direction, which showed that shortness of breath that persists for a long time after COVID-19 may indicate ongoing negative changes in the lungs..

One of the important symptoms indicating the recovery of the lungs after an illness is the presence or absence of breathing problems - shortness of breath.. If destructive processes continue to occur in the lung tissue, or the process of recovery from an illness is slow enough, a person may develop shortness of breath.

The researchers came to these conclusions when observing 38 patients who had a coronavirus infection three and six months ago and complained of lack of air.. It was in the lungs of people who had a coronavirus infection that more immune cells were found than in the pulmonary system of project participants who did not have COVID-19.

“If people with COVID infection complain of shortness of breath during the acute period of the disease, this can be considered normal.

But when a sufficiently long period passes after recovery, and the symptoms of shortness of breath still do not go away, one can suspect ongoing abnormal changes in the tissues of the lungs.. Primarily, these problems may be related to ongoing immune activity in the respiratory tract.. That is, the body simply could not “turn off the immune response to the penetration of the pathogen” in a timely manner, says project author Dr. James Harker from the Imperial National Heart and Lung Institute..

medical-heal. en.

Based on materials: med-heal.ru

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