Useful properties of cold

23 November 2020, 22:59 | Health
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People have long known about the healing effect of cold. They drank melt water, swam in mountain rivers, rubbed their bodies with snow. This gave them vigor, health, and allowed them to stay young..

Interest in the medicinal and cosmetic use of cold has increased recently.. Many beauty salons offer a service called cryotherapy.

What is the effect of the cold based on

Cold creates severe stress on the body. Under its influence, blood vessels reflexively narrow.. And as soon as the effect of the cold stops, the vessels expand and fill with blood. Thanks to this, organs and systems receive fresh nutrition, and waste substances are removed from the body..

But there is a very important point here: the effect of cold must be short-lived.! Then the body immediately needs to be given warmth. That is why people jump from a hotly heated bath into the snow and immediately return back to the bath.. The same happens with a contrast shower: first we warm up the body with hot water, then turn on the cold water and return to hot water again..

Due to the contrast of temperatures, blood flow increases, metabolism increases, all cells are renewed.

But exposing the body to the cold for too long is dangerous.. The vessels will remain in a narrowed state for a long time, their blood supply will be disrupted. This can lead to hypothermia, cramps, colds, etc..

In beauty salons, of course, more complex procedures are carried out than a contrast shower. The patient is placed in a cryochamber, similar to a shower cabin, where he is exposed to temperatures up to minus 60 degrees. To avoid the negative consequences of severe hypothermia, the exposure is short-term. They are especially prepared for it: first, the patient is placed in the " In addition, the feet, hands and head are warmly covered, etc..

Bruises, swelling, swelling As you know, cold helps well against bruises, edema, swelling. Immediately after the injury, a cold compress or ice wrapped in a napkin should be applied to the sore spot. An ice warmer works even better (it can be replaced by a plastic bag filled with ice cubes). The blood vessels will narrow, the blood will drain from the sore spot, and the consequences of the injury will be relieved. With edema and swelling, you must act the same way..

Contrast shower We all know about the benefits of a contrast shower. It instantly invigorates, fills with energy, improves mood and even instills euphoria.

Instead of a contrast shower, douche with cold water can be used. They are even more effective. Step into the tub, fill a plastic bucket or basin with cold water and pour it over yourself instantly, preferably over your head.. But if you have no time to dry your hair, you can pour water from shoulder height. You will feel a cold shock, from which you will even cry out. After that, rub yourself with a terry towel. The skin will look fresh and pink, you will burst with energy.

Those who have been practicing daily dousing with cold water for a long time note a significant improvement in well-being and mood, as well as a rejuvenating effect.

Washing with cold water Many beauties of the past recognized washing their faces only with cold water.. This allowed them to maintain smooth skin until old age..

However, this is not surprising. Cold has the ability to preserve and retain organic matter. For example, mammoths have been lying in the permafrost for millions of years and are perfectly preserved.. We also apply the protective effect of cold every day using our home refrigerators.

Ice cubes It is very useful to wash your face with ice cubes instead of water in the morning. They instantly refresh the face, make the skin smooth and pink. They are also an effective remedy against edema and swelling..

I work best with herbal cubes. The first place deservedly belongs to chamomile, which is effective against irritation and redness of the skin..

Linden infusion soothes and relaxes the facial muscles. Allergy relief.

To prepare the herbal infusion, pour 1 full tablespoon of the herb with 1 cup of boiling water, cover and let it brew. When the infusion cools down, strain it, pour into molds and put in the freezer.

Sea buckthorn or olive oil can be added to herbal infusions (1 teaspoon of oil per glass of infusion). In this case, it will also have a nutritional effect..

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