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News for: 20 november 2020 in category:  

The role of nutrition in the rehabilitation of patients with pancreatitis

In the phase of a dying exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, in order to achieve a stable remission, it is important to normalize and stimulate metabolic and reparative processes in the pancreas (RV) and other organs and systems of the body, to correct t...
Health 20 November 2020, 08:21 (

How to deal with scabies How to deal with scabies
In the world, 300 million cases of scabies are annually registered, that is, this disease occurs in at least 5% of the world's population.. Most ...
Health 20 November 2020, 04:58 (
Danish scientists determine how effectively medical masks protect against coronavirus Danish scientists determine how effectively medical masks protect against coronavirus
Scientists from the University of Copenhagen and the Danish National Hospital found that wearing a medical mask reduces the risk of contracting c...
Health 20 November 2020, 04:51 (