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News for: 7 november 2020 in category:  

Most antibodies in the blood of men who recovered from severe COVID-19

Their plasma is the most valuable for transfusion to patients who are on mechanical ventilation with coronavirus infection..
Health 07 November 2020, 23:27 (

Diagnosis and symptoms of myoclonus Diagnosis and symptoms of myoclonus
Myoclonus is a convulsive repetitive twitching of large muscle groups. The condition can be observed normally when falling asleep, severe fright....
Health 07 November 2020, 06:53 (
The doctor named the time when tea turned into poison The doctor named the time when tea turned into poison
Nutritionist Elena Solomatina said when tea turns into poison, after which it is categorically not recommended to drink it.
Health 07 November 2020, 03:43 (
Earwax helps determine stress hormone levels Earwax helps determine stress hormone levels
A new earwax sampling method could be a cheap and effective way to measure cortisol levels, according to a study by researchers at the University...
Health 07 November 2020, 03:42 (
Deafness in infancy can affect non-verbal communication Deafness in infancy can affect non-verbal communication
Psychologists at the University of Sheffield have found that deafness in infancy affects the development of communication skills in children at a...
Health 07 November 2020, 04:44 (
60 kg of radioactive mushrooms were taken from mushroom pickers in the Chernobyl zone 60 kg of radioactive mushrooms were taken from mushroom pickers in the Chernobyl zone
Police officers serving in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chernobyl nuclear power plant prevented the removal of 60 kg of radiation mushrooms outsid...
Health 07 November 2020, 05:49 (