Less sleep means more bad thoughts in your head: research

21 November 2020, 09:40 | Health
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Scientists from the UK found that lack of sleep increases the frequency of unwanted thoughts and reduces the ability to control them.

A slept person easily drives away unpleasant memories and easily concentrates on good ones, writes MedicalNewsToday.

Conversely, patients with certain mental disorders often have destructive, unwanted reasoning.. It turns out that the same trend is observed in ordinary people who are deprived of sleep for various reasons..

Unwanted thoughts are frequent or persistent emotionally destructive intrusions into the mind. Lack of sleep can provoke them..

To participate in the study, experts recruited 60 healthy people and randomly assigned them into two groups - with normal sleep and constant lack of sleep.. On test days, all participants had to give up daytime sleep, caffeine and alcohol..

The researchers asked each person to associate photographs with negative or neutral subjects from the International System of Affective Images. The next day, participants were shown their faces and asked to suppress the associations they provoked..

People who got enough sleep could successfully suppress unwanted thoughts. They also had a reduced emotional response to negative images..

This was confirmed by the analysis of perspiration when viewing images..

Men and women in the group who did not sleep enough reported having difficulty suppressing obsessive thoughts. Throughout the study, they could not control the experience.. Moreover, the amount of negativity in their minds only increased every day..

This study recalled that sleep has a direct and profound effect on mental health..

Source: https: // news. yellmed. ru /.


Based on materials: news.yellmed.ru

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