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News for: 20 may 2021 in category:  

How to quickly recover from a hangover

The first thing that is usually done after alcohol abuse is to start drinking a lot of fluids..
Health 20 May 2021, 20:43 (

What oil helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels What oil helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels
One of the most pressing health problems is the fight against cardiovascular diseases that people of all ages face.
Health 20 May 2021, 19:33 (
Free medical services that few people know about Free medical services that few people know about
Many Russians did not study the list of medical services that should be provided free of charge. Many doctors take advantage of this ignorance of...
Health 20 May 2021, 07:38 (
The Cabinet of Ministers allocated 24.6 million UAH for equipping the mobile hospital of the State Emergencies Service The Cabinet of Ministers allocated 24.6 million UAH for equipping the mobile hospital of the State Emergencies Service
Today at a regular meeting, the Government allocated UAH 24.6 million from the reserve fund of the state budget to the Ministry of Internal Affai...
Health 20 May 2021, 09:47 (
Clinical manifestations and treatment of facial pain with damage to the trigeminal nerve system Clinical manifestations and treatment of facial pain with damage to the trigeminal nerve system
The clinical picture is typical for paroxysmal neuralgia. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the patient usually has such a peculi...
Health 20 May 2021, 13:01 (
Are you susceptible to type 2 diabetes? This is indicated by the length of your sleep Are you susceptible to type 2 diabetes? This is indicated by the length of your sleep
Scientists state the inverse relationship between sleep duration and blood sugar levels.
Health 20 May 2021, 16:22 (
Doctors told for what diseases it is worth using probiotics Doctors told for what diseases it is worth using probiotics
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines and maintain normal microflora in it..
Health 20 May 2021, 03:20 (
Left hand grows numb: reasons for what to do Left hand grows numb: reasons for what to do
When the left hand becomes numb, there may be several reasons. Often, when this symptom appears, people experience a feeling of fear, believing t...
Health 20 May 2021, 06:33 (