The child died at school in Poltava region

31 March 2021, 03:34 | Incidents
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In the Poltava region, in a rural school of the Lokhvitskaya territorial community, a 12-year-old student died. The police establish the circumstances and causes of death of the child.

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The tragedy was reported to the police in Poltava region on March 30, at about 11:30, by doctors who arrived at the call.. According to preliminary information, the child died during a break between lessons.

Law enforcement officers interview witnesses, study the student's medical certificates and clarify the causes of the tragedy. The child's body was sent for a forensic medical examination, which should determine the cause of death.

For an objective study of the circumstances of the incident, the police entered information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations on the basis of the qualifying characteristics of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Investigative actions continue.

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