How are things in Ukraine? Good?

15 June 2017, 21:36 | Peace
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Question to the frends from Ukraine:.

One Ukrainian patriot in a conversation with me described the situation in Ukraine. How much, in your opinion, does this description correspond to reality. So, according to your personal feeling, the situation in Ukraine is the way it is now?.

There is a rapid economic growth. In shops there is abundance, businesses open in a few minutes and many still begin to develop. Build homes and apartments are sold in the primary market by 30% more than at the end of last year. New plants are being built and investments are coming. Bribes are daily taken by old functionaries and put. E-government was created and tested, and state orders go absolutely openly through the ProZorro system (in Ukrainian, "transparently").

What kind of a kuchma can be, when the decentralization of power is taking place and local communities for the first time began to dispose of their profits at their own discretion. In our special services and the General Staff, English is heard more often than the Ukrainian one. Western auditors and supervisors with assistants from the Cabinet do not climb. Europe has raised limits on the sale of Ukrainian goods, so exporters are now developing. With Canada signed a free market and is preparing with Israel. From all sides there is financial support and control over its intended use.

And I can still write dozens of signs of growth, but not stagnation. Read Ukrainian sources and keep in mind that we did not wash - we do not organically accept lying and pressure.

Although we also have stupid cotton wool, which does not understand and does not accept what is happening.

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