Childhood infections: what is important to remember

21 July 2022, 01:18 | Health
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Children, even if they know the rules of hygiene, do not always follow them..

Unaware of the danger, petting dogs, playing in the sand, which is often a pet litter box, not washing their hands before eating or after leaving the litter box.

Therefore, parasites such as giardia, toxoplasma, pinworms, toxocariasis or human ascaris are constantly being invaded..


It is a parasitic disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Lamblia intestinalis is responsible for it. Giardia live in the human small intestine, bile ducts and pancreas. They are pear-shaped and have four pairs of flagella that allow them to move quickly.. Attaches to the mucosa of the host's gastrointestinal tract. There they feed and breed..

From time to time, some of the parasites turn into cysts, which are excreted from the body with feces.. There can be several million cysts in one bowel movement that are contagious to other people.. Giardia enters the human gastrointestinal tract with contaminated foods or when the child does not wash his hands after going to the toilet.

So, this is the classic "

Giardiasis can manifest itself in:.

- anorexia;

- nausea, bloating, vomiting;

- recurrent watery diarrhea;

- headaches, fatigue, insomnia;

- allergic reaction with various kinds of rash.

In children, Giardia, in addition, causes a violation of the digestion of fats and carbohydrates, which can lead to a deficiency of vitamins (in particular, fat-soluble: A, D, E, K). A common cause of diarrhea is the cause of malnutrition, therefore, a violation of physical development.

Symptoms of acute infection occur only after 1-3 weeks. They are ambiguous and depend on the performance of the child's immune system.. To determine if he is infected, you need to perform simple laboratory tests for the presence of a cyst in the stool.. One analysis may not bring results, because cysts are removed periodically. They require special containers.. It is necessary to load fresh feces with a spatula, equivalent to the corresponding size of a hazelnut (from 2-3 different places).

Then provide the container as soon as possible to the laboratory. Immunological tests for the detection of Giardia antigens are performed from the loaded feces. Even if one person in the family is sick, all family members should be tested.


It is caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma. These small parasites multiply in the epithelial cells of the small intestine of cats and other animals.. After several cycles, part of the cells of toxoplasmosis turns into sex female and male cells.. They connect with each other, forming zygotes, which, after protecting the membrane (oocytes), are removed with feces to the outside.. Infection occurs through the consumption of vegetables and fruits contaminated with earth from oocytes.; dirty hands contaminated with earth or sand contain oocytes; damaged skin.

Parasites can take up residence in lymph nodes, skeletal muscle, heart muscle, brain, eyes and other organs. There they breed again. Toxoplasmosis gondii infection is usually asymptomatic. Fever and swollen lymph nodes may sometimes occur.

Infection with this parasite is detected by examining the blood for antibodies specific for toxoplasmosis gondii. In response to infection, the body produces special proteins (IgG, IgM), the presence of which in the blood indirectly indicates the possibility of infection.. The fastest way to check for the presence of parasites is detected using molecular biology techniques (PCR). Toxoplasmosis gondii infection is very dangerous for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester..


This is a classic disease of " Develops when children do not wash their hands after playing together in the sand or after going to the toilet. Unwashed hands may carry pinworm eggs that enter the mouth, for example, while eating.. Pinworms live mainly in the final section of the small intestine, where fertilization occurs.. Immediately behind them, the males die, and the females migrate towards the anus..

Eggs are laid here, which causes unbearable itching, which intensifies, secreting a non-sticky, irritating liquid.. Feeling itchy keeps baby from sleeping. By scratching, he collects eggs on the skin of his fingers or under the nails and passes them into his mouth while eating.. The same eggs are contagious to humans after six hours of being served.

The most common symptoms are:.

- lack of appetite - pallor - abdominal pain - irritability - difficulty concentrating - trouble sleeping.

Pinworms are detected when feces are given to an analytical laboratory (only for very severe infections) or when the area around the anus is examined about two hours after sleep.


Called the so-called dog roundworm (Toxocara canis). It is a parasitic disease carried mainly by young dogs and cats.. Infected (the parasite enters the body of puppies and kittens) produce a huge amount of eggs. The larvae can be on the fur of animals.

In humans, this parasite causes a disease called migratory larvae syndrome.. Ascaris eggs are excreted in the faeces of dogs and cats. When they reach the human gastrointestinal tract, they end up in the small intestine where the larvae colonize.. Then they pass through the wall of the small intestine and in the blood vessels, along with the blood, roam throughout the body..

Mainly located in the liver and central nervous system. It is characterized by high activity, remain alive in the body for up to two years. Symptoms of infection are difficult to recognize. Most of the time they are asymptomatic..

Only with intensive invasion of larvae in a child can occur:.

- fever, - weakness, - drowsiness, - nausea.

Infection with this parasite is detected by a blood test in the direction of detection of antibodies for Toxocara canis (IgG).


Ascaris lumbricoides (Ascaris lumbricoides) is a common human parasite.. It is very easy for them to become infected by ingesting eggs with live larvae.. They are found on dirty fruits or vegetables, and even on unwashed hands.. Worm eggs can be on the fur of dogs or cats. Female worms lay up to 200,000 eggs per day. They are removed with feces.

After eating contaminated food, eggs enter the gastrointestinal tract, mainly in the small intestine, where the larvae are laid.. They pass through the intestinal wall, enter the blood vessels. There, along with the blood, they pass through the liver, heart, and then the lungs.. If there are a lot of them, it can cause pneumonia, sometimes lasting for several weeks..

After some time, they enter the trachea and bronchial tree. Then the cough brings them to the throat where they are swallowed again. During the return journey, the larvae turn into mature worms.. Their presence in the gastrointestinal tract does not remain without a trace. Parasites not only feed on food intended for humans, but toxic substances are released, poisoning the body.. Adult worms live 1 to 2 years.

Ascariasis can manifest itself:.

- abdominal pain, - nausea, vomiting, - diarrhea, - loss of appetite, - rash, - itchy skin, - headache, - fever, - persistent cough.

To recognize the disease, feces are examined for the presence of worm eggs.. During infection, it can lead to an allergic reaction to toxins released by the parasite.. Therefore, a blood test is performed for the presence of IgE antibodies..

A good way to avoid these unwanted " It is important to wash vegetables and fruits before eating, especially when you bring them to children..

When you suspect a child may be infected with a parasite, a simple stool and blood test is sufficient..

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