Deficiency of vitamin D to lead to zavyoї vagi and stunts growth

22 May 2022, 10:25 | Health
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Vitamin D plays a key role in metabolism.

The next group, educated by Seth Kullman, professor of biological sciences at NC State, reared groups of post-juvenile zebrafish on one of three diets: no vitamin D, supplemented with vitamin D and control, Ukr informs. media.

Ribi zebrafish over a period of several months were supplemented with their special diet, then the successors raised their growth, the thickness of the cysts, the levels of triglycerides, lipids, cholesterol and vitamin D.

The stench also played key metabolic pathways, associated with metabolism, savings and fat mobilization and stimulating growth.

Zebrafish in the group with vitamin D deficiency were on average 50% less, lower in the two other groups, and they had significantly more fat reserves.

After cob testing, fish deficient in vitamin D were given a diet enriched with vitamin D for an additional six months to wonder if they could reverse the results..

Although the fish continued to grow and began to vikoristovuvat store fat, it did not keep up with the growth of the other cohort and saved excess fat.

“This work shows that vitamin D deficiency can contribute to metabolic health, disrupting the normal balance between growth and accumulated fat,” says Kullman. - “As a matter of order, energy, as it is guilty to go to the bik of growth, is directed to the creation of fat and lipids, and this appearance cannot be easily turned back. Although we still don’t understand the mechanism, we start to show it”.

aspect. net.

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