Hypergenitalism. Part 1

25 February 2021, 17:19 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Hypergenitalism, as an excessive and premature manifestation of the intrasecretory activity of the gonads, according to modern concepts, may arise primarily or as a result of the insufficiency of inhibiting, in our opinion, however, not fully proven, influences on the pubertal function of the gonads from the pituitary gland, thymus and glandula pinealis. Its consequence is pubertas prhaesoch, premature puberty.

The literature contains a description of a considerable number of cases of the appearance of external signs of puberty in boys and girls, sometimes before they even reached the age of two, accompanied by manifestations of unrestrained attraction, which corresponded to the maturity of the sex glands, the onset of menstruation, etc.. (childbirth, for example, in an eight-year-old girl). In some cases, the etiological moment was a neoplasm (carcinoma testis, sarcoma ovarii), the removal of which eliminated the symptoms of premature puberty..

The influence of premature onset of puberty on the body as a whole affects the reduction of the life cycle and individual periods of its evolution. Growth stops early due to early closure of the epiphyseal zones, however, at the stage of morphological sexual differentiation of the skeleton, distribution of muscle and adipose tissue. Accordingly, secondary sexual characteristics appear early.. The unavoidable phenomena of early senile wilting (senium praecox) with characteristic changes in the physiological system of connective tissue also occur prematurely..

Early manifestations of the sexual instinct can occur without the presence of premature puberty, as manifestations from the nervous system.

This in early childhood can be created artificially, by artificial awakening of reflexes in the nervous system in the absence of biochemical stimuli for their occurrence, emanating from the hormones of the gonads that accumulate in the body with the onset of puberty.

It should also be noted that the relatively early manifestation of signs of puberty is not always associated with the simultaneous development of sexual instinct, which manifests itself in the form of libido, often much later than the morphological and functional maturation of the reproductive apparatus..

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