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News for: 18 february 2021 in category:  

Doctors have warned of an unexpected symptom of prostate cancer

This is a reason to see a doctor.. Experts from the British Prostate Cancer Foundation have reported that pain in the hips, spine or upper legs can be a symptom of developing prostate cancer, HealthyStyle reports.. info with a link to the Course. In add...
Health 18 February 2021, 14:11 (

Scientists explain how to maintain weight after losing weight Scientists explain how to maintain weight after losing weight
Many people dream of getting rid of extra pounds, as well as overcoming obesity, but the hated weight comes back as soon as you quit all diets! A...
Health 18 February 2021, 11:43 (
How to recognize hyperhidrosis in yourself How to recognize hyperhidrosis in yourself
At least 800,000 people in Germany alone suffer from increased sweating or hyperhidrosis. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Department of Thoracic Surg...
Health 18 February 2021, 01:03 (
The girl revealed the optimal frequency of shampooing for fast hair growth The girl revealed the optimal frequency of shampooing for fast hair growth
The girl who managed to grow her hair to the level of her waist revealed the optimal frequency of shampooing to achieve this result. Videos went ...
Health 18 February 2021, 10:40 (