In Kiev, over the past day, 547 cases of coronavirus infection

24 February 2021, 15:09 | Health
photo Електронні Вісті
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The number of cases of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in Kiev on February 23 increased compared to the previous day by 547 people to 135 676, deaths - by 6 to 2 602.

The mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko wrote about this in his Telegram channel.


Over the past day, 295 women aged 18 to 87 years old, 226 men aged 18 to 86 years old, 11 girls from 3 to 17 years old and 15 boys from 1 to 17 years old fell ill. Also recorded 6 deaths.

In total, 2,602 deaths from coronavirus were confirmed in the capital during the epidemic period.

Over the past day, 76 people were hospitalized. During the day, 195 recovered were recorded. For all the time, 92,498 residents of Kiev have overcome the coronavirus.

Most cases of the disease were found in Desnyanskiy district - 102, Darnitskiy - 99 and Dniprovskiy - 85 cases. This was reported by the "

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