How to recognize hyperhidrosis in yourself

18 February 2021, 01:03 | Health
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At least 800,000 people in Germany alone suffer from increased sweating or hyperhidrosis. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Department of Thoracic Surgery, University Clinic. Freiburg Jutta Gunther shares recommendations on how to check the degree of sweating in yourself, and what medical methods can help fight this ailment.

How to recognize hyperhidrosis in yourself?

Its symptoms are: excessive sweating, forced limitation of oneself in activity. Excessive sweating can be caused by stress, emotions, or increased physical activity.; in many patients, hyperhidrosis can occur spontaneously.

Which parts of the body are most susceptible to sweating

Most often palms, armpits and feet, and in some patients, the whole body. For many people, this problem causes great discomfort.. Hyperhidrosis sufferers are afraid to shake someone's hand because of damp cold palms or have to change clothes often. Excessive sweating of the feet is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

How is hyperhidrosis treated

As a rule, treatment is carried out with drugs under the supervision of a family doctor. Various ointments and sprays help to " One of the most common ways to combat excessive sweating is iontophoresis - electrical stimulation of the palms, feet and armpits. Injections of Botox (botulinum toxin) into the area of \u200b\u200bthe body affected by hyperhidrosis are also considered effective.. This toxin inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands, thereby reducing the secretion of sweat glands.. The generalized form of hyperhidrosis is successfully treated with pills, but the treatment process should not be too long.

In what cases is surgical intervention used

When drug therapy and other concomitant methods of treatment do not give the desired results or they are short-lived, then surgical intervention is recommended. This procedure removes the part of the nervous system that is responsible for regulating the sweat glands in the palms or underarms.. Depending on what form of hyperhidrosis we are talking about, the corresponding nerves are removed in the chest area. Approximately 90 to 95% of patients with excessive palmar sweating can fully recover, and an average of 75-80% of patients with underarm hyperhidrosis are successful..

How is the surgery performed

Currently, the so-called sympathecotomy procedure is minimally invasive and is performed using the keyhole surgery technique.. Under general anesthesia, the patient is made two incisions no more than five millimeters long, through which special instruments and a small video camera are inserted into his chest. The surgeon, under the control of the image on the monitor, performs an operation, acting on the section of the sympathetic nerve that is responsible for sweating.

As a rule, the doctor can send the patient home one day after the operation..

Does the operation have side effects?

Many patients temporarily experience increased sweating in other parts of the body, but only a few of them experience discomfort. Other effects, such as increased sweating after eating, are much less common.. Fortunately, after a few weeks, patients' condition improves significantly, and they can forget about sweating attacks for the rest of their lives..

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