It's better to conceive a child in winter

25 October 2020, 14:43 | Health
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Conception is an interesting and relevant topic for a couple who wants to have a child.. A man from ancient times is trying to unravel the mystery of the birth of a new life. Unfortunately, many mysteries remained unsolved.

Researchers from Switzerland believe that if you conceive a child in winter, he will be more slender. Because his body will be able to most effectively burn fat accumulations. This information is reported by The Daily Mail. It was recently found that babies who were conceived in the winter have more brown fat.. Fat cells have the ability to burn white fat to provide heat for the entire body.

Experiments were carried out on animals. Mice that mated at low temperatures gave birth to babies high in brown fat.

But there is reason to believe that the temperature in which parents live before conception may also affect. When exposed to low temperatures, epigenetic changes can persist for a long time.

Scientists have found that if males are kept at a relatively low temperature before mating, then the offspring will have a large amount of brown fat.. Females were not affected by the low temperature.. Semen analysis showed there are changes in gene activity. We can say that the adaptation process has been launched.

medvesti. com.

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