Energy drinks cause acute hepatitis

16 October 2020, 07:44 | Health
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Most of us consume energy drinks at least occasionally, either for work after midnight or for nightlife..

Meanwhile, energy drinks have a ton of serious side effects..

Recently, American doctors reported that the use of energy drinks leads to the development of acute hepatitis - an inflammatory lesion of the liver..

According to statistics, energy drinks are consumed mainly by young men aged 18-35. In the United States, more than a third of 12-17 year olds take this potion regularly, mostly for fun..

The consequences are obvious: in the period from 2007 to 2011 alone, the number of victims of energy workers in American hospitals doubled. Overdose of caffeine, as well as a combination with alcohol, is of great concern to doctors..

Caffeine and sugar in energy drinks are believed to be the main health threats.

However, the new message surprised many doctors.. It is about a 50-year-old man who was admitted to hospital with acute hepatitis. Before that, for more than 3 weeks, the patient consumed 4-5 cans of energy drinks per day.!

Previously, the man was healthy, did not change his diet, did not abuse alcoholic beverages, did not take any prescription drugs or drugs. Has not suffered from liver disease in the past.

However, three weeks of hard work on a construction site with a can of energy was enough to damage his liver.. The man began to complain of weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, and lost appetite. Only when pronounced jaundice joined and the urine darkened, the energy victim was taken to the hospital.

This is a very rare case.. He became the second in American clinical practice: in the summer of 2011, a 22-year-old lover of invigorating caffeinated drinks was hospitalized with acute hepatitis.

Doctors have not detected the hepatitis virus in the blood of an unusual patient, and they attribute the acute liver damage to an excessive intake of vitamin B3 (niacin), which is part of the energy drink. The man consumed 160-200 milligrams of this vitamin daily with an energy drink, which is twice the norm..

A local gastroenterologist observing the patient draws parallels with another known case.

Then the woman took 300 mg of niacin per day for a long time, ending with the development of acute hepatitis. The case is interesting because this is the lowest dose of vitamin B3 in history, which entailed such serious health consequences..

As for the unfortunate builder, after 3 days he went on the mend, but for a long time he will need treatment and close supervision of doctors. For the future, he is advised to avoid energy drinks and vitamin B3.

medbe. ru.

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