What is a vaginal cyst

08 October 2020, 02:04 | Health
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Vaginal cyst is a tumor-like retention formation located on the vaginal wall, the increase in which is associated with the accumulation of fluid, and not proliferative growth. According to ICD 10, the disease belongs to group number 89 (non-inflammatory diseases of the vagina).

A vaginal cyst has a round or ovoid shape and can reach the size of a chicken egg What is a vaginal cyst A neoplasm can be located both superficially and penetrate into the thickness of tissues, reaching the paravaginal tissue. Its size usually does not exceed a walnut, but sometimes it can grow to the size of a large chicken egg. Consistency - tight or soft elastic. On examination or in the photo, it can be seen that the cystic formation looks rounded, has an ovoid or round shape.

Histological structure The outer walls of the vaginal cyst are formed by connective tissue with the inclusion of single muscle fibers. The internal cavity is lined with cubic, prismatic or columnar epithelium. Content is transparent, serous or mucous, color - from light yellow to dark brown.

The cystic neoplasm is benign. To date, not a single case of his malignancy has been described, t. degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Causes: Vaginal cystic formations, depending on the mechanism of their occurrence, are divided into congenital (formed from the remnants of embryonic ducts) and acquired (traumatic, implantation). Their differences are presented in the table:.

Type of neoplasm.



Formed from gartner ducts, paraurethral or Mullerian ducts. The latter can be located at the entrance to the vagina (cyst of the vestibule of the vagina) and be combined with malformations. Cystic formations of gartner's passages are usually localized at the level of the fornices and can reach parametric tissue.


They develop as a result of damage to the walls of the vagina (birth trauma, curettage of the uterus cavity, surgical treatment of vaginal fistulas) and epithelial cells entering the wound. Mostly located in the lower parts of the vagina along the back wall.

Symptoms In most cases, vaginal cystic formations do not manifest themselves clinically and are detected by a gynecologist by chance when examining a woman for any other reason (clinical examination, pregnancy, inflammation).

With their significant size, patients may experience the following complaints:.

foreign body sensation in the vagina;

discomfort during intercourse:.

disorders of urination and defecation.

If the integrity of the integument of the vaginal cyst is violated, its contents can fester, which is accompanied by the appearance of signs of colpitis, pathological leucorrhoea and increased pain.

neboleem. net.

Based on materials: neboleem.net

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