Games may delay the development of senile dementia

01 March 2020, 02:56 | Health
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Scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yoshiva University (USA) have come to the conclusion that reading, writing and card games can delay the development of dementia (senile dementia).

They examined 488 people aged 75 to 85 years who, at the time of the start of the experiment, did not suffer from dementia. Observation was carried out on average over five years.. During this time, 101 participants developed dementia.

Before starting the study, subjects told scientists how often they read, write, solve crosswords, play board or card games, conduct group discussions and play musical instruments.. If a participant was engaged in any of the listed activities daily, he received seven points, several times a week - four points, once a week - one point.

At the end of the experiment, it turned out that those who had about seven points had dementia later than the others. And each additional type of mental activity delayed the rapid deterioration of memory in subjects for 9 weeks.


Dementia (lat.

dementia) - acquired dementia, a persistent decrease in cognitive activity with the loss to one degree or another of previously acquired knowledge and practical skills and the difficulty or inability to acquire new.

Unlike oligophrenia, dementia congenital or acquired in infancy, which is an underdevelopment of the psyche, dementia is the breakdown of mental functions that occurs as a result of brain damage, most often in old age.


Demidova EUROSMI. RU.

Based on materials: евросми.ru

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