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News for: 30 march 2020 in category:  

Doctors told at what temperature the coronavirus dies

At high temperature, its activity decreases.
Health 30 March 2020, 06:04 (

Correction of volume, size and shape of lips Restylane Correction of volume, size and shape of lips Restylane
Restylane - a drug of natural origin, used to eliminate nasolabial folds, wrinkles, as well as to correct the oval of the face and lip shape. Res...
Health 30 March 2020, 04:57 (
Treatment of skin neoplasms Treatment of skin neoplasms
Papillomas, large moles and warts spoil the appearance. But more seriously, they pose a threat to health, because any benign neoplasm (and papill...
Health 30 March 2020, 00:38 (