The Kharkov region team went to the Spartakiad of civil servants

28 September 2017, 19:30 | Health
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Competitions will be held in 5 sports: volleyball, futsal, table tennis, chess and drafts.

In Uzhgorod are the final competitions of the All-Ukrainian Olympics among the teams of civil servants of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions, cities of Kiev and Sevastopol.

The command of the Kharkiv region in Uzhgorod was greeted by the head of the Department for Youth and Sports of the KhOAA Vitaly Kirilenko and wished a successful performance.

"I congratulate you that it is you who will represent the civil servants of the Kharkov region at the All-Ukrainian sports day. I wish to show my best qualities and return with a victory, "- said Vitaly Kirilenko.

The head of the department conveyed sincere congratulations to the team from the chairman of the regional state administration Yulia Svetlichnaya and handed the players sports equipment with the logos of the Kharkov region to participate in the competitions.

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