A famous Ukrainian warrior presenter spoke about Potap and the escaped men: “I won’t shake hands”

12 September 2024, 23:35 | gossip
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TV presenter and actor, and now a soldier, Daniel Salem spoke out about the behavior of the controversial rapper and producer Potap. Thus, Daniel predicted what his reaction would be to the producer’s return to Ukraine. According to the presenter, he will not communicate with the star and will not even shake his hand. As for the rest of the men who left Ukraine during the war, Salem cannot judge. " If they try to talk to me, I don’t advise them. I have friends who have left. First of all, we don't know every person's story.. I am against Ukrainians speaking badly about Ukrainians in general. And if we talk about Potap, then for me this is an amazing story. If they left, then it’s probably better - let them not interfere,” Daniel said in a commentary to “Tour with Stars”.

In addition, the serviceman spoke about his ex-wife and daughter living abroad. The celebrity is confident that they will return to their homeland in the future, but for now only sometimes on vacation he can meet his daughter in Ukraine. “I don’t like it when Ukrainians say that there is no future in Ukraine.

They may not have it, but Ukraine has a better future. Now I think, let (daughter - approx.. edit. ) will be abroad, study there and then return with experience. It will be here, I think. Not that I can speak for my own daughter, but she loves Ukraine so much. She cried so much when she had to go. I think she and her mother will return," Let us remind you that recently the Ukrainian singer Lida Lee, amid rumors of an affair with Daniel Salem, revealed the details of their real relationship.

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