Anna Trincher trolled the haters and showed a photo from her “marriage” to a girl: “Wedding with my beloved”

31 August 2024, 23:08 | gossip
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Ukrainian singer and blogger Anna Trincher spoke about her future marriage and skillfully put haters in their place. Thus, a 23-year-old blogger, after her divorce from Alexander Voloshin, constantly receives questions about her personal life. Anna finally dotted the i’s and showed on Instagram a photo from her “wedding” with her friend, blogger Diana Gloster. True, in this way Trincher ridiculed all the hater comments and noted that she does not plan to do any weddings in the future.

" Yes, the path took me in the other direction after a divorce and the realization that next to my husband there was no place for me and no common values... This is exactly the kind of post my haters, who have nothing better to do, would like to see; or a wedding of two women sounds more interesting than a double birthday for two friends; . But I have to disappoint you: I’m not planning a wedding for the second time, I have no desire, no chosen one, no chosen one..."

In fact, the photos with Diana were taken during a joint celebration of their birthdays. So, the bloggers gathered their closest friends for the party.

All guests of the holiday kept the dress code and were dressed in milky shades. " Thank you all for your kind words, for your presence and for the fact that absolutely each of you influences my life and formation. Everyone brings their own warmth, their own worldview and their own thoughts,” the singer shared her emotions.

Let us remind you that recently the star of “The Serf” Anastasia Nesterenko married a famous military actor and showed tender photos from their wedding.

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