The famous Ukrainian designer admitted how embarrassment introduced her to DiCaprio: “He came up to me”

29 June 2024, 14:40 | gossip
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Ukrainian designer Yulia Magdich, who has her own brand of designer embroidered shirts, shared the story of meeting actor Leonardo DiCaprio. So, according to Magdich, this happened during one of the parties where many businessmen and stars were invited. In an interview with the YouTube project TSN " I had to be barefoot. However, this did not stop Leonardo from coming up to meet him.. By the way, according to Yulia, the star is energetically attractive enough.

" I was the boss. I had to stand on a chair.

And I was in a bright dress and he noticed me and started waving. Everyone says to meet you, but I can't go because I'm the boss. And he came up to me. Everyone was surprised who she was that DiCaprio approached her. So we talked, danced, and then I went home. And that's it. Indeed, an energetically interesting man. This is how you see it on the screen, this is how it feels in life,” the businesswoman shared her impressions. Let us remind you that recently Yulia Magdich spoke about her lover and spoke about motherhood.

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