Alina Grosu was gracious with shots of her 22-year-old younger brother, and she warmly welcomed yoga to the saint

30 August 2023, 20:56 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Ukrainian couple Alina Grosu told about holy things in her homeland. The youngest on the 22nd of the year is the brother of vikonovitsі svyatkuє people's day. Mihasik is honored with six fates. Also, from the next day, the birthday party consecrated the native person on Instagram. Alina Grosu addressed her brethren with receiving letters with blessings and hospitality. Vikonavitsa helped Mikhailik, abi vin buv happy, forever we have fun that rіs under a peaceful sky, not knowing the sum.

" I really want to help him grow up with a happy child, under a peaceful sky, with great joys, which you can only show, no matter what, so that you don’t cry in fear of that pain, that it’s a skin day right, strong, wise.

On top of that, Alina Grosu published various archival footage with her brother.

Zokrema, the artist showed how Mikhas changed with fate.

Let's guess, none of Alina Grosu's family is staying in Ukraine. Tim herself went to the USA for an hour, abi to learn acting. Recently, a celebrity showed her life in Los Angeles, de independently zrobila repair. Read also: Health resort Taysia Povaliy saw a portion of the lighthouse about Ukraine and sang with declarations of love to Russia Lesya Nikityuk radically changed the color of her hair: "

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