Timur Miroshnichenko's wife moved her sons to tears "

03 August 2023, 22:00 | gossip
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The wife of the host of the ZhVL on the channel " As Inna Miroshnichenko admitted in the story of her Instagram page, now a 2-year-old baby does a lot of things " So, the presenter's wife showed how little Marcel received the first balloons for his birthday, tried ice cream for the first time and held raspberries in his hands for the first time..

Also, the star mom admitted that after ice cream it turned out that Marcel can’t take lactose.. In addition, Miroshnichenko's wife spoke about the realities of children in orphanages. In particular, Inna shared that in the orphanage children are fed according to the protocol and do not pay attention to the characteristics of their body.. For example, little Marcel has problems with his intestines, but in the orphanage he was fed waffles and sweets. " He does not understand the forms of food. Doesn't chew. He never smeared berries in his hands. Didn't throw cutlets. All the things that home children did. We are trying to make up for this stage, because this is an acquaintance with the world,” said Inna Miroshnichenko. The presenter's wife also remembered how they first met their son. Then they read his history and, among other things, it was indicated that the baby had a gastrointestinal disease and needed a diet.

When Inna entered the group with her son, she saw that he was holding a waffle in his hands:

“And the teacher demonstrates how she teaches him to eat candy. Like, look, we feed goodies here. The next day I brought baby puree. apple-carrot. The next day I was scolded that he was upset because I gave him carrots, and he had not yet eaten carrots. Carrot! He is two. He says: "

Recall that on August 2, the adopted son of Timur and Inna Miroshnichenko Marcel celebrated two years. On this occasion, star parents showed new photos with the boy, and Inna touched him by addressing him.

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