Lilia Podkopaeva shared who she will root for at the Tokyo Olympics

18 July 2021, 07:35 | gossip
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Famous Ukrainian athlete Lilia Podkopaeva shared who to root for at the Tokyo Olympics.

So, in the program "

" Jean Beleniuk said a few days ago: " Then I talked with Dasha Bilodid and say that I was so confused, it was very difficult emotionally, that we did not go to Tokyo last year..

Everyone will perform in the same conditions, so I say that the strongest will win morally, "

This year marks 25 years since Lilia won the gold medal at the Atlanta Olympics. The athlete shared that a big tour is planned, where they want to show the legends of world gymnastics. Podkopaeva is also among the invitees.


We will remind, recently Lilia Podkopaeva touched with a rare picture with her grown daughter. The star shared a sunny shot with 14-year-old Carolina.

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