Anastasia Prikhodko made users laugh with family selfies with children

30 April 2021, 21:52 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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The famous singer Anastasia Prikhodko, who recently became a mother for the third time, delighted the shanuwalki with new family content.

On her Instagram page, the star published a photo in which she appeared with her children - 11-year-old daughter Nana and six-year-old son Gordey.

In the photo, all three are posing with their tongues protruding, grimacing at the camera.

Fans appreciated the star's snapshot, bombarded with compliments in the comments.

Nastya, who you are lovely, are just adorable!

Have fun there!


We will remind, not so long ago, Anastasia Prikhodko declassified the name and gender of the third child. So, according to the star in her and her husband Alexander, the second son was born.

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