Marichka Padalko with children in lockdown arranged ice skating

09 January 2021, 20:51 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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The star of the channel "

On her Instagram page, the host "

In the video, Marichka and her three children - 13-year-old Mikhail, 12-year-old Maria and 10-year-old Yekaterina showed how they staged ice skating in the Winter Entertainment Town.

To view the photos, scroll to the right And under the post, the channel star described in detail her visit to the rink and shared useful information for everyone who wants to visit there.

Also, according to the celebrity, the rink has a heated indoor changing area and a nice festive playlist..

However, there were also not very pleasant surprises, which pretty much outraged the star..

Masha's fans thanked her for such a detailed review of the skating rink and admired her activity.

Incredible woman! And when you all have time?

Super! thanks for the information!

You are so cool!

Recall, not so long ago I remembered a very touching story. It turns out that in Masha's wardrobe there is a coat that is over 15 years old.. However, she will never get rid of it, because it means a lot to her..

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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