The idol of the 90s Andrei Gubin sang before the audience for the first time in 15 years

14 July 2020, 18:20 | gossip
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Star of the 90s Andrei Gubin spoke for the first time after a 15-year pause.

The 46-year-old singer, who last year spoke about diseases of the nervous system, because of which he had to leave the stage for a long time, recently sang live at a party at a karaoke club.

In a video published by the Russian poet and singer Ilya Bardo on his Instagram, Gubin sang with him Leonid Agutin’s song “On the Lilac Moon”.

In the video, Andrei with a microphone in a red T-shirt and sweatpants walked between the tables and hummed the famous lines from Agutin's hit.

But it wasn’t the only song the artist sang at the party.. A video was also published in the Bardot photo blog, in which Gubin, already standing on the stage, surrounded by two girls, sings another song. Fans of the artist were delighted with his performance, noting his vocal abilities and expressing hope to see him again on the big stage.

Thank you for the video! How I want to go to his concert! The voice is the same!

All the same eyes! Just a balm for the soul!

Andrey, come back! A start has been made, we are all waiting to continue!

You’re super, you haven’t changed a bit, the same lighter as you did many years ago. And the voice is still beautiful! In vain he does not speak.

Note, Andrei Gubin began his musical career in the early 1990s. His greatest hits were such as “Lisa”, “My dear far away”, “Winter-cold”, “Girls like the stars”.

Recall, a few years ago, Andrei Gubin was shocked by the statement that they want to kill him. The artist noted that an attempt is being made on his life.

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