Gianluca Vacca and his pregnant beloved effectively declassified the baby's gender

13 July 2020, 22:05 | gossip
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Italian businessman Gianluca Vacca and his pregnant lover, model Sharon Fonseca, learned the sex of the future baby.

The lovers decided to fix this exciting moment and at the same time show the fans who they would soon be born.

So, Sharon and Gianluca shared a touching video on their Instagram pages. On a roller, an excited couple stands in the territory near the house and gently holds hands.

A moment before the future parents a helicopter flies and releases pink powder. That is, soon Vacca and Fonseca will become the parents of the girl. Happy couple congratulated each other with strong hugs and kisses.. Sharon could not hold back her tears.

Friends invited by future parents were also very happy about the news..

In less than an hour, the video collected more than one and a half million views and 15 thousand comments. Users congratulated a couple with a girl and fell asleep with wishes.

What great news you will have a princess! Congratulations Accept my sincere congratulations. Recall that the other day a pregnant beloved Gianluca Vacca in his arms showed his stomach in a tight jumpsuit. Sharon Fonseca Enjoys His Interesting Position.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:
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