39-year-old Kate Hudson first showed a newborn daughter

08 October 2018, 12:33 | gossip
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Famous American actress Kate Hudson, who recently gave birth to her third child, decided to introduce fans to her daughter.

The star for the first time showed her newborn daughter Roni Rose Hudson Fujikawa by posting her picture on her Instagram page.. "Our little rosebud," she signed the photo..

We will note, the girl was born on October 2. For the 39-year-old actress, this is the third child.

The 32-year-old star's groom became the father of the baby - the founder of the record company Lightwave Records and the former guitarist of the band Chief Day Fujikawa. For him, a newborn girl is the first child, but Kate is already raising two sons from a previous relationship.. Recall that in 2010, Kate met with the frontman of the group of Muse Matthew Bellamy. 2011 they had a son Bingham. And in December 2014, Matt and Kate announced their divorce..

Hudson also has a 14-year-old son, Ryder, from her first husband, rock musician Chris Robinson..

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