No, I didn’t do that: Johnny Depp first commented on Amber Heard’s statement about beating her

03 October 2018, 15:08 | gossip
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Hollywood actor and musician Johnny Depp, who recently stated that ex-wife Amber Heard beat him, first commented on her accusations of domestic violence.

Two years ago, Hurd said that once Depp threw a smartphone in her face. In addition, the ex-spouse allegedly beat her.

So, in the new issue of the British GQ, the cover of which adorned Johnny, he gave a frank interview where he put the dot on the "i" in this incident.

“Why didn't this person talk to the police? I mean, they talked to the police, but the police didn't see anything, they offered her emergency medical care. She said no. I don't know whether it was the next day or a couple of days, but then there was a bruise, "the actor commented on the situation.

The actor said that all these accusations only hurt him.

"It hurts. The topic that hurts me was presented as something that you are far from, you know? But hurt the one you love? Like some kind of bully? No, I didn't do it, it doesn't even look like me, "Depp said.

Also, the actor noted why he had previously kept silent, did not comment on Hurd’s statements and did not protect himself from the attacks of Amber and society..

"So, at first, I just closed my mouth. I knew it would stick to me and it would get stranger. Continue the topic? You can go crazy. I'm not going to have a polemic with anyone. It’s better to drink what you need to spit out, and my lawyers will take care of the rest.. I never went out and talked about shit, "Depp admitted..

The actor also noted that his reputation was ruined after accusations of domestic violence.

"In a short period of time - due to the lack of a good word - Cinderella turned into a beast. The only thing I could do was know what I know.. I know the truth, and if I need to quit my job and career today, then no problem, "said Johnny.

Also, the artist asked a journalist if he was thinking about wanting to find love again, Depp answered a firm "no".

Recall recently Johnny Depp commented on the scandalous divorce with ex-wife Amber Heard, where he admitted that he cried and drank every day.

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