Seductive Lopez in a tight overalls had fun with the former in the presence of the boyfriend

01 October 2018, 16:42 | gossip
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Popular singer Jennifer Lopez, who recently shook her biceps fans, completed her All I Have tour, performing at a weekend in Las Vegas.

After the grand final show, the artist gave a loud after-party, where she was congratulated by close friends..

In addition to baseball player Alex Rodriguez's beloved Jennifer, the party was attended by her former lover Sean Combs, known as rapper Diddy, reports the E! News.

The singer warmly greeted the former and even hugged him, because after the couple broke up in 2001, they kept warm relations.

Jennifer appeared at a party in a spectacular shiny jumpsuit from Tom Ford and a leopard coat, did not stint also in compliments to her current boyfriend. The star noted that she appreciates the support of Rodriguez, who tries not to miss a single show of his star friend.

"We try to always be close to each other, and it means a lot to me" - said the celebrity.

Recall recently during one of her speeches, Jennifer Lopez fell right on the stage.

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