Accused of harassment of the President of the Film Academy of the United States acquitted

28 March 2018, 14:09 | gossip
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President of the US Academy of Sciences John Bailey, who was accused of sexual harassment, after a detailed study of the case was acquitted.

The Academy Administration's committee carefully considered all the charges against Bailey, his response and supporting statements by both sides and found nothing reprehensible in any of the cases called harassment, DeadLine reports..

"The Committee unanimously decided that no further action is required on this issue. Conclusions and recommendations of the committee were brought to the attention of the commission, which approved them. John Bailey remains President of the Academy.

The Film Academy took the claims very seriously and was informed of the rights of both the plaintiff and the accused, including consultations with an outside lawyer who has experience in such matters, "the administration said..

It is worth noting that last week Bailey sent a letter to his staff, denying allegations.

"I was allegedly trying to touch a woman inappropriately while we both rode in the transport van to the set, but that was not there," said Bailey.

Recall the other day it became known that the star of the series "Gossip Girl" Ed Westwick, because of the charge of rape is now under investigation.

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