Jolie responded to accusations of fans in "exploitation" of children on casting in Cambodia

31 July 2017, 14:38 | gossip
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Hollywood actress and director Angelina Jolie in a recent interview for Vanity Fair spoke about casting for the film "First they killed my father".

The web has spread information that during the selection process, a cruel joke was played with the children-participants.

The edition wrote that during the casting a game was used, during which poor children took money from the table, and then they were taken away from them.

The director was looking for children who "experienced adversity". The point was that the kids explained why they took money from the table.

"Srey Moch (the girl became the starring actress) was the only child who looked at money very, very long," Jolie commented to the magazine.

"When he was forced to give them away, emotions overwhelmed her. When she was later asked why she had money, she said that her grandfather had died, and they do not have enough money for a funeral, "the actress recalled..

Such words outraged the Web users who accused Jolie of "exploiting children". In an official appeal, the actress called such comments "false and sad," writes BBC.

"I'm sorry that the alleged improvisational exercise, which reflects one of the scenes of the film, is presented as if it was a real scenario," added the actress.

"The purpose of this film is to draw attention to the horrors that children face in the war, and to help those who want to protect them.

Every effort has been made to ensure the comfort, well-being and safety of the children involved in the film - from the audition stage to this day, "the statement says..

Recall, the directorial debut of Angelina Jolie "First they killed my father" is a screen version of the autobiographical history of Cambodian writer and human rights activist Lung Ang. The creation of Jolie illuminates the brutal events that occurred during the reign of the Khmer Rouge party in the 1970s.

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