The first blonde and long-haired Astafieva: the group NIKITA performed in an updated composition

31 July 2017, 13:04 | gossip
photo ТСН.ua
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Sexy group NIKITA introduced a new "agent": for the first time a blonde appeared in the team. Together with Dasha Astafieva, girls in muzzles.

"Agent Blond" - this is how they represent the new participant of NIKITA, and the formation itself is now called Dasha Astafieva and NIKITA.

Let's note, now Dasha develops a solo career.

Currently, the casting of the project continues, moreover - it is soon promised to declare an international selection. About this site TSN. Ua told the press service.

Recall, Dasha Astafieva in a candid interview told Anatoly about the creative plans. Also the star admitted: in her life there was a period of total refusal of sex.

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