Indian radicals announced the award for the head of Bollywood

21 November 2017, 08:14 | Art
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This is reported by The Economic Times.

As noted, the Bollywood star starred in the film "Padmavati" based on the epic of the 16th century. In this regard, the party very harshly condemned this behavior of its representative. At the same time, she urged the director to respect the history of India.

According to the producers, the film was due to be released on December 1, but it was postponed due to a wave of protests.

So, primarily against the picture was made by the ultra-right party "Bharatiya Janata Party" (BJP), which accused the filmmakers of the distortion of history. Two states have banned the film.

It also became known that the police in Mumbai offered to strengthen the security of Paducone and Bhansali.

Recall, as previously reported, "URA-Inform", ends the era of talented, beautiful actors. So, in the USA, at the age of 62, the deserved Russian artist Vera Glagoleva passed away.

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