Zelensky-Xi talk doesn't change China's failure to condemn Russian invasion - Stoltenberg

28 April 2023, 00:36 | Policy
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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the telephone conversation between President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and Chinese leader Xi Jinping on April 26, which was the first contact between the two states at the highest level since the start of Russia's full-scale war against our country. At the same time, he stressed that Beijing has not yet condemned the occupiers' invasion..

" I think it is also important that China can get a better understanding of the Ukrainian point of view.. This does not change the fact that China failed to condemn Russia's illegal war, illegal invasion of Ukraine,"

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A day earlier, a spokesman for Zelensky said that the presidents of Ukraine and China already have certain points of intersection from which further dialogue can be built..

According to him, Kiev did not expect specific agreements from this contact at the highest level, but the discussion was constructive and such that the head of our state was generally satisfied.

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Following a conversation with Zelensky, Xi Jinping again called on Ukraine and Russia to negotiate, calling them the only viable way out.. The theses were repeated in the Chinese Foreign Ministry, announcing the dispatch to our territory of a special representative for Eurasian issues - he is the former Ambassador of China in Moscow.

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