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News for: 5 april 2023 in category:  

Lukashenka flew to Putin to "

The two dictators will hold a separate meeting on the eve of the meeting of the "
Policy 05 April 2023, 21:07 (Зеркало недели)

Zelensky has already arrived in Poland: a plan of events and meetings of the President Zelensky has already arrived in Poland: a plan of events and meetings of the President
The main event is the meeting of the Ukrainian President with Ukrainians and Poles in Warsaw.
Policy 05 April 2023, 11:32 (Зеркало недели)
MAP issue removed from agenda - Kuleba MAP issue removed from agenda - Kuleba
Ukraine hopes for a decision of the NATO summit in Vilnius.
Policy 05 April 2023, 00:32 (Зеркало недели)
Three Central Asian countries canceled tours of Russian artists who supported the war in Ukraine Three Central Asian countries canceled tours of Russian artists who supported the war in Ukraine
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan refused to hold the festival "
Policy 05 April 2023, 09:34 (Зеркало недели)