Russia fails to remove mention of its aggression against Ukraine from important UN resolution - Kislitsa

27 April 2023, 09:54 | Policy
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The UN General Assembly voted for a resolution providing for cooperation between the UN and the Council of Europe. Russia failed to remove the mention of its aggression against Ukraine on an important resolution. Serhiy Kislitsa, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, announced this on Twitter..

“With 122 votes in favor and 5 votes against, adopted a resolution on cooperation between the UN and the Council of Europe. Russian attempt to remove mention of aggression against Ukraine failed in GA. 5 well-known human rights fighters voted against the resolution - the Russian Federation, Belarus, Nicaragua, Syria, North Korea,” Sergey Kislitsa wrote..

The General Assembly, with 122 votes in favor and 5 votes against, adopted a resolution on cooperation between the UN and the Council of Europe @coe. Russia's attempt to remove the mention of aggression against Ukraine failed in the GA. 5 well-known human rights fighters voted against the resolution - Russia, Belarus, Nicaragua, Syria, North Korea https://t. co/BuKoYyP4hT pic. twitter. com/raXtZBHBoL.

— Sergiy Kyslytsya (@SergiyKyslytsya) April 26, 2023.

He also published a photo from the scoreboard, which shows the results of the vote.. Judging by it, a number of countries:

Angola, Botswana, CAR, Cuba, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritius, Nauru, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo and Uzbekistan abstained.

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Recall that in early April, the UN General Assembly supported the decision to exclude Russia from the UN Human Rights Council..

“War criminals have no place in UN bodies whose goal is to protect human rights,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter at the time..

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