Israeli delegation leaves UN Security Council meeting in protest against Russia's actions

26 April 2023, 07:38 | Policy
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Israeli Ambassador to the UN Glad Erdan left the meeting of the Security Council, having read out the names of the Israelis killed last year, in protest against the meeting of the Security Council on the Palestinian issue, which is being held under the leadership of Russia on the Day of Remembrance of the Dead Israeli Soldiers and Victims of Terror, on the eve of the country's Independence Day.

According to The Times of Israel, the Israeli delegation left the meeting with the ambassador, before lighting an electric candle in the hall in honor of the Israelis who died during the terrorist attacks..

" This debate is a disgrace to the fallen and Israel will not participate in it,” the ambassador said, adding that the Israeli delegation made numerous requests to postpone the meeting, explaining the importance of this day, but the council refused.

Erdan accused Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who chaired the session, of bias and accused the Security Council of hypocrisy for focusing on Israel while ignoring Iran's destabilizing activities in the region..

Russia's refusal to postpone the debate was seen as Israel's revenge for supporting Ukraine, in turn, the Palestinians called Russia's decision a victory, Channel 12 reports, citing a diplomatic official..

Late last year, Erdan criticized the UN General Assembly for holding a decisive vote on Israel after Shabbat began when he was unable to attend..

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At a meeting on Tuesday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki linked the session to Israel's 75th Independence Day, which begins on Tuesday evening..

Palestinians refer to the formation of Israel as "

Maliki and Lavrov also held a bilateral meeting at the UN.

In turn, Lavrov said that the meeting was held on Memorial Day not for political reasons, adding that the UN “cannot adjust the schedule for all participating states”.

Earlier it was reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a series of secret meetings with top military officials aimed at stepping up preparations for a possible confrontation with Iran..

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